Blaugust D23: Sick, sad, sleepy day

Title says it all, really. Being sick & sad and sleeping is basically all I did all day. Woke up sleepy, kept dozing through the day, and I’m still sleepy. Guess my body just decided enough was enough and I simply had to catch up on rest. It basically went on strike today. Only managed to take one work call and make myself some instant noodles for lunch. Rest of the day is a blur.

In the intervals when I was awake, there was a fair bit of pain. Whole body has been aching all day, especially my thighs. Not sure why. Took a bus back home from the walk yesterday morning and had to stand the whole way (an hour and change) and hold on for dear life. That plus all the walking and cycling just added up maybe. Or perhaps it’s the flu. Or a combination. Either way, much aching and complete exhaustion has been the story of the day.

I was also feeling super needy this afternoon and remember thinking maybe it’s all because I’m sick. You just want some love and attention when you’re ill. Unfortunately, I have no way to get either of those at the moment. So tweeted that out in the hopes I would at least get some likes or attention there. No such luck. Don’t know if anyone even saw the tweet. View count says some did, but no one gave it, or me, any attention. So much for that.

Anyway, just took a shower and fixed myself a PBJ dinner — all I have energy for. And took my nightly dose of cough syrup. This damn cold refuses to go away. The medication is helping but not fast enough. Guess I’ll try and lay low for the next couple of days. The next Madras Day walk I’ve got is on Saturday and I really need to get better by then.

Even otherwise, I have to get well because I have my second move in 2 months coming up here soon. I really hope this time it will work out better. Don’t have it in me to do this dance again anymore this year. My pocket won’t allow it either. Fingers crossed for better days. And back to sleep I go now.

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